Anuga in Cologne is one of the world's leading trade fairs for the food and beverage industry. One of the trend barometers and sources of inspiration is above all the Anuga taste Innovation Show. A specialist jury of journalists and market researchers will select the top innovations in the industry and the top 10 new products from all the new products submitted. The most important innovations will then be presented to trade visitors and media representatives at the trade fair.
At this year's Anuga, LOTAO has managed to present one of the best and most innovative products for the third time.
Our LOTAO Green Jackfruit Veggie Balls were not only selected for the "Anuga taste Innovation Show", but are also among the top 10 innovations at Anuga 2021.

In the November 2019 issue, Öko-Test magazine examined 18 vegan burgers. The testers from ÖKO-Test were able to recommend the LOTAO Green Jackfruit Burger, which was rated "very good". It scores with few processed ingredients and a high proportion of fiber.
Öko-Test particularly emphasizes the low fat content of the LOTAO Green Jackfruit Burger. The veggie burger is by far the lowest in fat at 1.9 percent.
In the test, four were rated as "very good", two as "good", four as "sufficient", four as satisfactory and three as unsatisfactory. A vegan burger failed the testers with an "unsatisfactory".

At Anuga 2019, the leading international trade fair for the global food industry, we were awarded the prestigious "Anuga taste" award.
We received the title for our product "LOTAO Green Flying Jack", a vegan organic jackfruit salad from the fresh shelf. A jury of experts made up of journalists and market researchers selected the product that was released in 2019 from all the new products as the top innovation in the industry.
Many varieties are grown in South Asia, which differ significantly in appearance and taste. The large jackfruit fruits with yellow and fragrant pulp are particularly well-known.

n the course of the ANUGA food fair in Cologne, the “Biobrand of the Year” prize is awarded every year. In 2016, the expert jury decided for the first time in favor of a special prize for innovation - which LOTAO received for the sales focus on food retail.
The "Organic Brand of the Year" award was created in 2008 by the magazine Lebensmittel Praxis and the bioexperten Consulting Group to honor the outstanding, special organic commitment of brand manufacturers and "to give them a differentiating feature through the award". , says Bettina Röttig, editor of Lebensmittel Praxis.
In his laudatory speech, Reinhard Mihr, Editor-in-Chief of Lebensmittel Praxis, explains the jury's reasons for awarding the special prize for innovation to the "Lotao Deli" rice series:
“ LOTAO sends the consumer on a journey to discover culinary treasures from foreign, especially Asian cultures. Adding value to a staple like rice is a tremendous achievement. LOTAO succeeded in this challenge with the help of a special concept”.

Spreads based on coconut milk and coconut blossom sugar are a traditional specialty in many regions of Asia. "Kaya" means something like "rich" in Malaysia. We were inspired by this and developed a sweet coconut spread.
In contrast to the classic Asian version, LOTAO's Kaya does not contain chicken eggs, but only vegan, organically certified ingredients. Instead of refined sugar, aromatic coconut blossom sugar is caramelized with fresh coconut milk and refined with spices or fine cocoa - plus high-quality virgin coconut oil.
With "Kaya" we made it into the innovation selection of the renowned Parisian gourmet and food fair "SIAL".
At the Veganfach in Cologne, Lotao Kaya was honored as the winner of the "Vegan Innovation Award for particularly outstanding product developments".
The "Lotao Kaya Chocolate Cream" variant is particularly popular. Here the lover of chocolate spreads encounters a revolutionary alternative: the saturation level of Kaya Chocolate Cream is extreme - Kaya Chocolate Cream is a real craving killer.

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What sustainability means to us?
In India, LOTAO supports a further training project for Indian farmers who grow jackfruit together with an agricultural foundation and the German Investment and Development Aid Society.