Exotic sugar specialties and exquisite salt
Salt was called "white gold" because, in addition to drying, it was the only way to preserve meat or fish in the long term. In ancient Rome, part of the wages was even paid with salt, the so-called "salarium". Incidentally, the now somewhat outdated word “salary” for salary is derived from this! Salt promised influence and wealth to those who mined it, sold it or even had it transported through their territories.
It looked very similar from about 1600 with the "sweet gold" sugar. It, too, became an imported luxury item for a small, wealthy minority. Today, on the other hand, household salt and household sugar, as the name suggests, have become cheap mass products. On the other hand, there are now considerable health concerns about too much salt and sugar in our food. In modern kitchens, attempts are therefore often made to partially replace salt with spices. Exquisite, rare salts, on the other hand, are used consciously and sparingly.
Likewise, conventional sugar, also known as sucrose or table sugar, is less and less popular with many connoisseurs for health reasons. Sugar substitutes or alternative sugars are on the rise. However, the market for sugar alternatives is quite confusing for many consumers. There are sugar substitutes like erythritol or xylitol. In addition, natural substitutes for sucrose in the form of coconut blossom sugar, agave sugar or palm sugar. What is a healthy alternative to sugar? Which sugar substitute is the best?
How long has sugar been around?
Long before you could easily buy the sugars just mentioned or even sugar substitutes online, sugar was only made from sugar cane. This is since 8000 BC. by finds. The discovery of the usability of sugar beet for sugar production in 1850 led to sugar being transformed from a luxury good to an industrially manufactured, affordable everyday product. Incidentally, our current household sugar is still obtained as refined sugar on the basis of sugar beet and sugar cane. Only a small amount comes from the sugar palm.
Sucrose, glucose, fructose - which sugars are they?
All of these sugars are carbohydrates that occur naturally in the metabolism of all living things.
Glucose - also known as grape sugar or dextrose - is a so-called simple sugar that does not have to be broken down, but goes directly into the blood. Therefore, when we consume glucose directly, we get a sudden increase in blood sugar and insulin levels. As a building block of many more complex carbohydrates, glucose is one of our main suppliers of energy.
Fructose or fruit sugar is also a naturally occurring simple sugar. Although fructose has no effect on blood sugar and insulin levels and has a lower glycemic index than glucose. However, it is now known that excessive consumption of foods containing fructose can lead to fatty liver, gout or metabolic syndrome.
Table sugar, also called cane sugar or beet sugar, is sucrose . A disaccharide made up of one part glucose and one part fructose.
Choose sugar consciously and enjoy
Eating sweets is human nature and the food industry is aware of this preference. The danger of "hidden" sugar in drinks or finished products is now well known. Completely without sugar - that often doesn't work for us, and it doesn't have to for healthy people. However, we can use sugar more consciously so that its consumption is harmless to health:
- Value sugar again as the luxury item it used to be
- Buy sugar rarities and consciously enjoy them
- Use sugar as a condiment
- switch to coconut blossom sugar, agave sugar, rice sweetener, palm sugar as a healthy alternative
- if possible, use sugar substitutes such as erythritol
- avoid hidden sugars
Erythritol as a healthy alternative to sugar?
Like sorbitol or xylitol, erythritol is one of the so-called sugar alcohols, which have about the sweetening power of sugar. These are industrially produced sweeteners. What they all have in common is that they have little to no effect on blood sugar levels. Unlike normal sugar, there is no risk of tooth decay here.
Only erythritol, which is produced for the food industry by fermentation, is harmless to health. Erythritol is calorie-free, is not broken down by the human body, so it has no effect on blood sugar or insulin levels. Another plus point: erythritol is easy to digest and does not lead to the unpleasant side effects of other sugar substitutes such as flatulence or diarrhea if consumed in excess.
LOTAO organic erythritol is a finely crystalline and calorie-free alternative to conventional sugar, which can be used to replace table sugar 1:1 when baking, cooking or sweetening food and drinks.
Organic sugar rarities from all over the world: buy sugar at LOTAO
All sugars at LOTAO are South Asian rarities, which have unique taste nuances due to their special production and properties. Whether it's about giving a dessert that unmistakable touch, sweetening tea or giving a dish a distinctive contrast - our sugars offer a culinary enrichment. As an exotic and healthy alternative to normal sugar, you can buy the following sugars online from LOTAO:
Jaggery Kiss: Raw cane sugar according to Ayurvedic tradition
This raw cane sugar is produced for LOTAO in small factories in northern India according to the centuries-old Ayurveda tradition. It is mild and soft, with a round taste and a delicate sweetness. Because of its excellent pourability and fine consistency, Jaggery Kiss is not only excellent in coffee or tea. It is just as good for baking.
Maya Kiss: Sprinkled sweetness from the blue agave
In contrast to the well-known agave syrup, agave sweet can be sprinkled, has a longer shelf life after opening and is easy to use. In the production of Maya Kiss, organic agave syrup is gently evaporated until only the fine, crystalline agave sugar remains. Our agave sugar has a mild taste, is particularly finely powdered and easily soluble. Maya Kiss is suitable for sweetening drinks or desserts as well as for baking.
Rice Kiss: fructose-free sugar specialty
In the production of Rice Kiss, organic rice syrup is gently dried until a mild, crystalline sweetness develops. The fine powdery and easily soluble white powder has a light note of butter and honey. Since it is naturally free of gluten, fructose and lactose, our organic rice sweetener is well tolerated. With its delicate taste, Rice Kiss is suitable for sweetening drinks or pastries.
Java Kiss: Aromatic organic coconut blossom sugar
Coconut blossom sugar is made from the nectar of coconut blossoms. Java Kiss is a rarity from Indonesia and consists of 100 percent pure nectar from coconut blossoms, which is transformed into a fine crystalline sugar in cauldrons over a wood fire. It impresses with its gentle caramel note. Java Kiss is unrefined and carefully processed so that the nutrients and vitamins contained in the coconut blossom sugar are retained. It also has a low glycemic index (35). Our organic coconut blossom sugar is perfect for cooking and baking as well as for sweetening drinks.
LOTAO Bali Pur Fleur de Sel sea salt
Much more than a simple table salt! Fleur de Sel is a natural, aromatic finishing salt rich in minerals and trace elements. Its salt blossoms are carefully harvested in the traditional way in the salt pans of the island of Bali. A holy salt that you don't cook with, but with which you give dishes that certain something before serving.