Ist Kokosblütenzucker gesund?

Health and coconut blossom sugar

I have been asked the question “ Is coconut blossom sugar healthy?” several times. Reason enough to deal with the topic of health and coconut blossom sugar (which is sensitive due to EU regulations). Basically, coconut blossom sugar is also a type of sugar and should therefore only be enjoyed in moderation.
And yet: coconut blossom sugar has some qualities that make it far superior to conventional household sugar.

A digestible and nutrient-rich alternative

The nutrient composition of coconut blossom sugar is unique and makes it a very digestible type of sugar . It is rich in minerals, vitamins and amino acids . Compared to other types of sugar, coconut blossom sugar has a high mineral content - e.g. B. 18x more potassium, 10x more zinc and 30x more phosphorus than brown sugar.

16 important amino acids in coconut blossom sugar:

Palm blossom sugar, which is obtained 100% from coconut blossom nectar, contains very important amino acids. These amino acids are important for the human metabolism and ensure the basic supply for a healthy and intact organism. Amino acids are responsible for the development and maintenance of all body functions. There are a total of twenty (20) amino acids that are obtained through food. They are required for the growth and regeneration of bone substance and the human cell structure (e.g. muscles). Amino acids also control enzyme and hormone production and are important regulators in the cardiovascular system and play a major role in an intact immune system. Sixteen of these vital amino acids, also called the “building blocks of life”, are found in coconut blossom sugar. The highest amount of amino acids in coconut sugar is glutamine. Glutamine plays a very important role in the normal functioning of the heart and prostate. In addition, glutamine is involved in more metabolic processes than any other of the 20 amino acids. It helps maintain the correct acid/base balance in the body and forms building blocks for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. Some scientific experiments have also shown that glutamine has an anti-inflammatory effect. Glutamine also reduces cravings for sweets and sugar, making it valuable for people who want to lose weight. Glutamine is also known as a natural “brain food”. Our brain uses around a fifth of our daily energy needs. If it gets the right nutrients, it can work better. In this way, memory performance and concentration can be increased.

Coconut blossom sugar provides minerals:

Aside from amino acids , coconut sugar is also rich in minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and more. Minerals are essential for the body. However, they are not produced by the human body itself and must therefore be provided through food intake. Without minerals, vitamins also have little function. In order for the human body to benefit from vitamins and to fulfill their purposes effectively, minerals are necessary. In Table 2 it can be seen that coconut sugar has significantly greater amounts of minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron and other minerals than brown sugar and refined white sugar made from sugar cane. Potassium, for example, plays an important role in maintaining normal blood pressure and thus reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease. The high amount of potassium and phosphorus can be explained by the fact that the inflorescences of the coconut palm are tapped to obtain their nectar.

Inulin in coconut blossom sugar:

Inulin is a special fiber that can increase the absorption of magnesium and calcium. The bone substance is built and strengthened by these minerals. An improvement in mineral content has a positive effect on bones and bone density. Inulin is one of the prebiotic food additives and has a positive effect on the intestines. The growth of the body's own bifiodobacteria in the intestine is strengthened and leads to a better composition of the intestinal flora. Healthy intestinal flora promotes digestion and strengthens the immune system. Unlike insulin, inulin does not negatively affect blood sugar levels.

Coconut blossom sugar provides vitamins:

In addition to valuable nutrients and amino acids, coconut blossom nectar contains a number of different vitamins such as vitamin C and twelve (12) essential B vitamins. Coconut sugar, which is obtained from the sap of the coconut blossom, provides the health benefits of these different vitamins. Coconut blossom sugar is rich in thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), folic acid (vitamin B9 or vitamin B11), choline (vitamin B4), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and nicotinic acid (vitamin B3). Coconut blossom sugar also contains traces of vitamin B12, which only very rarely occurs in plants. In order to break down carbohydrates that are consumed with food in the body and convert them into energy, the organism mainly needs the vitamins of the B group. These vitamins are all responsible for energy release and certain brain and nerve functions. Coconut blossom sugar also contains a large amount of inositol (formerly vitamin B8). Inositol is a substance similar to vitamin B and is used to treat various health conditions. These include, but are not limited to, diabetic nerve pain, panic disorder, high cholesterol, insomnia, cancer, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism. Inositol is also used to promote hair growth, treat psoriasis, and treat side effects of medical treatment with lithium.

Glycemic index of coconut blossom sugar:

The glycemic index of coconut blossom sugar was determined by the Philippine Institute of Food and Nutrition Research and is 35. Since this value is below 50, coconut blossom sugar is classified as a low glycemic index food, setting it apart from other sweeteners . The sugar is suitable for diabetics and people who monitor their blood sugar levels.

Summary on the topic of health & coconut blossom sugar:

In summary, one can safely say that coconut blossom sugar is a very healthy alternative to conventional types of sugar . But not only that - it is also extremely tasty and an enrichment for anyone who likes sweets. So, to all those with a sweet tooth: get to the coconut blossom sugar pot ;)

Comparison of the elemental content of 3 sources of edible sugar - Analyzed by PCA-TAL, Sept. 11, 2000. (MI Secretaria et al, 2003) in parts per million (ppm or mg/li). (accessed December 30, 2014) Philippine Food and Nutrition Research Institute ( (accessed December 30, 2014) Nutrition Data (http://www.nutritiondata. com) (accessed on December 30, 2014) "COCOSUGAR - Nutrition Facts". at: (accessed on December 30, 2014) Coconut Sugar Philippines, “Coconut Sugar Health Info” at: ( accessed on December 30, 2014)

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