Lotao's charity project "Rice sets a school"


With the “Rice sets a school” project, rice expert Stefan Fak would like to introduce young people to the diversity and richness of the small miracle grain: supporters are warmly welcome
Berlin, June 18, 2014. Every child knows rice: as rice pudding or risotto, as an ingredient in Asian cuisine or as a filling accompaniment to goulash, soups or stews, it is an indispensable part of our kitchen. However, hardly anyone knows that there are 120,000 varieties of rice worldwide, where they come from and what different cultivation methods there are. Risolier (rice expert) Stefan Fak wants to change that. “From September, high-quality fair trade rice varieties from Indonesia will be on the menu in the canteens of many schools and kindergartens nationwide,” announces the Berliner by choice. The providers receive the organic rice at cost price. So that children who do not take part in regular school meals can also benefit from the “Rice makes school” project, the Risolier donates a large amount of the exquisite rice specialties to the ARCHE children's and youth organization. “It’s sad that even in Germany not every child gets a rich meal every day,” says Fak. “I’m pleased that we were able to win ARCHE as a cooperation partner for our “Rice Makes School” project.”

Small grain is big: Support the “Rice goes to school” project

In addition to the rice donations, the Risolier has developed a brochure for schools and interested parties with many colorful topics about the rice grain. The booklet can be displayed in school canteens or used in lessons. In addition, the young entrepreneur would like to offer rice workshops and cooking courses for interested school classes or daycare groups. In order to be able to realize all of this, Stefan Fak is seeking support on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo and on the website www.reismachtschule.com. Depending on the amount donated, the donor receives one to three test packages of rice and finances a meal for a young person in the ARCHE, starting from just one euro. The implementation of the rice workshops and cooking courses should also be made possible with external donations.

Promote sustainable rice cultivation

The “Rice goes to school” project not only helps children and young people in Germany; The producers in the country of origin of the rice are also supported. The rice for “Rice Makes School” comes from a cooperative of over 2,300 small farmers in Indonesia. The farmers' cooperative is the only provider of fair trade organic rice from Indonesia.
Risolier Stefan Fak met the committed farmers on his trips to Asia and was thrilled. “The small farmers in the Java region are very committed to cultivating traditional rice varieties using an environmentally friendly method,” explains the native Austrian. “We would like to support this project in its development and thus make a contribution to sustainable rice cultivation in the future,” Fak continued.
Further information at www.reismachtschule.com. For background information and images, please contact the press office. Participation in the fundraising campaign on Indiegogo is possible via the following link: www.indiegogo.com/projects/rice-goes-school-reis-macht-schule/

About “Rice sets a precedent”

With the “Rice goes to school” project, Stefan Fak would like to make a contribution to healthy, high-quality nutrition for children and young people. It is often the simple products that can be used to conjure up wonderful dishes - for example rice. However, knowledge about the little miracle grain is limited in our latitudes. Rice has shaped history for thousands of years and feeds a large proportion of people. The “Rice goes to school” project wants to focus on rice and use the example of the grain of rice to show that good dishes can be cooked so easily. This means that diversity is retained and can also find its way into our kitchen ( www.reismachtschule.com ).

About the ARK

Nationwide, more than three million minors are affected by material and emotional poverty. The ARCHE is fighting against it. In its facilities, it offers the children a free, wholesome, warm meal every day, help with homework, meaningful leisure activities with sports and music and, above all, a lot of attention. Because children need confirmation of their self-confidence. Unfortunately, many children in this country do not experience this at home. The Christian children's and youth organization was founded in Berlin in 1995. The “Arche” is now active at 18 locations in Germany and reaches up to 3,500 children and young people. The “Arche” is financed almost 100 percent through donations.

About the Riisolier Stefan Fak

Stefan Fak is the first Risolier in Europe. He chose this name for himself because his knowledge of rice and his intensive engagement with the topic are more than just expert knowledge. Its goal is to contribute to the preservation of rare, forgotten Asian rice varieties and to spread and preserve associated traditional stories and myths. With the expert blog “der Risolier” he has also created a forum for the exchange of topics relating to the miracle grain of rice ( www.risolier.de ).

Press contact:
Press office “Rice sets a precedent”
c/o Katja Weinhold
Tel.: +49 (0)30 397 944 06
Mobile: +49 (0)172 45 78 698
Email: presse@lotao.com

Contact person “Rice sets a school”:
Lotao GmbH
Stefan Fak
Heinrich Roller Street 7
10405 Berlin
Email: stefan.fak@lotao.com

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