Lotao press release: Asian snacks – trend 2020

Colorful, fresh and healthy - the days when snacks had to consist exclusively of greasy chips, chocolate, muesli bars and other snacks are long gone. Snacking is no longer just an activity while watching Bachelor, but a whole new way of eating. Flexible, healthy mini-meals that adapt to the rhythm of our everyday lives.
But lots of small meals also mean more ideas when asked “What’s for dinner today?” The following 5 Asian-inspired recipes offer the necessary variety. Thanks to Lotao's exceptional and exclusive rice varieties, the snacks become an exciting, adventure journey for the (taste) senses .

Japanese egg rolls filled with rice

In Japan, egg rolls, known as tamago, are very popular as a small snack or as a side dish for breakfast. In this country too, the omelette is now more than just an unimaginative egg dish. Rolled and filled, the colorful snack makes you happy and full.


(for 2 people)

  • 150 g rice (e.g. Prince of Bengal from Lotao)
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp rapeseed oil
  • ½ red onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 pepper
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 small brown mushrooms
  • 20g coriander
  • Chili & salt
  • 150 g lamb's lettuce,
  • olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Soy sauce or cocktail sauce as a dip



(Duration: approx. 35 minutes)

  1. Cook the rice (e.g. Lotao Prince of Bengal) in a pot of salted water according to the instructions on the package. In the meantime, crack the eggs in a bowl, add a little salt and beat well with a whisk.
  2. Pour oil into a non-stick pan, heat it and fry very thin egg pancakes over medium heat until golden brown.
  3. Chop the peppers, mushrooms, carrots and red onion into small pieces. Set aside a third for the salad, fry the rest in a non-stick pan with the garlic.
  4. Mix in the rice. Wash the lamb's lettuce, put it in a bowl, mix with the rest of the pre-cut vegetables and season with oil, vinegar and salt.
  5. Place the egg pancakes on baking paper and fill with the rice and vegetable mixture. Then roll it up and tie it in the middle on both sides. Cut into two parts with a sharp knife.
  6. Wash the lamb's lettuce, put it in a bowl, mix with the rest of the chopped vegetables and season with oil, vinegar and salt.
Tip: Arrange the still warm egg rolls on the bed of lettuce and serve with soy sauce and cocktail sauce as dips.

Black summer rolls:

Even if summer is still a while away: the black summer rolls with peanut sauce can be served at any time of the year as a light appetizer or as a snack in between. They are quick to prepare, incredibly tasty and offer an exciting snack thanks to the exceptional black rice.


(for 12 rolls)
  • 200 g tofu, smoked
  • 100 g black rice (e.g. Royal Pearl Black Rice from Lotao)
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 piece of cucumber
  • 6 leaves of iceberg lettuce
  • 1 bunch of green coriander
  • ½ bunch of mint
  • 12 sheets of rice paper (22 cm ø from the Asian store)
  • 4 tbsp chili sauce
for the dip:
  • 4 tbsp unsweetened peanut butter
  • 2 tsp soy sauce
  • 1 pressed garlic clove
  • 4 tbsp warm water
  • ½ tsp chili sauce, hot



( Duration: approx. 40 minutes )
  1. For the summer rolls, prepare the black rice (e.g. Royal Pearl Black Rice from Lotao) according to the instructions, let it cool and mix in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  2. Clean, peel, halve and cut the carrot and cucumber into very thin strips - as well as the lettuce leaves (crosswise, into thin strips).
  3. Wash the herbs and place the individual leaves on a plate. Cut the smoked tofu into thin strips as well.
  4. Soak the rice leaves briefly in water one at a time so that they become wet on both sides. Be careful not to make them lumpy or stick too much. Place each individual rice leaf on a damp worktop.
  5. Spread 1 teaspoon of chili sauce in the middle of each lower third. Add black rice, herbs, lettuce, carrot, cucumber and tofu on top.
  6. Similar to burritos, fold the edges over the filling and roll the rice leaves into a roll using light pressure.
  7. Mix all the ingredients for the dip and serve together with the rolls.

Fried Baby Rice Balls:

This snack highlight brings Asian flair. Fried rice balls are common in Thai cuisine and for good reason. Combined with various dips and salads, they become a quick and tasty snack.


(for 2 people)
  • 100g flour
  • 100 g breadcrumbs
  • 3 eggs (or egg substitute)
  • 1 liter rapeseed oil
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 chicory



( Duration: approx. 55 minutes )
  1. Prepare rice (e.g. Prince of Bengal from Lotao) according to package instructions. Peel onions and cut into small cubes. Then fry it together with the rice in a coated pan with rapeseed oil.
  2. Deglaze with Noilly Prat and pour in the hot vegetable stock. As soon as the rice is al dente, stir in the cream cheese and herbs and season with salt and pepper. Let cool down.
  3. Break eggs into a bowl and whisk vigorously, alternatively use egg substitute. Place breadcrumbs in a bowl. Moisten your hands and form the rice between your hands into balls with a diameter of approx. 2 cm.
  4. One by one, turn the rice balls in the flour, dip them in the egg and then turn them in the breadcrumbs. Heat rapeseed oil in a large pot, add rice balls to the pot and deep-fry for about 3 minutes.
  5. Remove the golden brown baked rice balls from the pot, drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with parsley. Arrange a plate with chicory nicely and distribute rice balls on top.
Tip: We recommend a delicious salad as a side dish, consisting of finely chopped chicory, parsley, peppers and crumbled goat cheese.

Smoked rice on romaine lettuce

Everyday working life is stressful and nerve-wracking enough. This calls for uncomplicated and quick snack recipes like smoked rice on romaine lettuce. The small meal offers an exotic taste experience and is both filling and healthy.




( Duration: approx. 20 minutes)
  1. Put some butter and salt in a pot. Add rice and fry lightly. Then cook the rice according to the package instructions. Tear apart and wash the romaine lettuce hearts.
  2. Cut the celery, carrots and beetroot into fine sticks. Mix well in a bowl with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Distribute lettuce sticks on romaine leaves, then arrange the rice on top and generously distribute the parmesan on top.
Tip: If you want, you can also sprinkle this delicious finger food with roasted pine nuts and basil leaves.

About LPP Lotao Pack- und Produktions GmbH
LPP Lotao Pack- und Produktions GmbH, based in Berlin, was founded as Lotao GmbH in 2011 by Stefan Fak. The company is dedicated to exquisite Asian specialties, primarily organic, and sells them on the European delicatessen and organic market. In addition to the “Lotao Deli” rice line, the extraordinary range also includes products made from coconut or sugar. With the jackfruit-based “Lotao Green” product range, Lotao is also conquering the market for meat substitute products. Further information at www.lotao.com.

Press contact:
Lotao Press Office
c/o public link
Anna Baldi
Tel: +49 (0)30 4431 8817
Email: presse@lotao.com
Contact Lotao:
LPP Lotao Pack and Production GmbH
Stefan Fak
Bernhard-Lichtenberg-Strasse 10
10407 Berlin
Email: stefan.fak@lotao.de

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