Ginger has been used medicinally in its native Asia for thousands of years. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves cramps and is a pain reliever . In medieval Europe, Hildegard of Bingen and Paracelsus knew and used it for gastrointestinal complaints. Modern studies confirm this application.
Ginger has now been named medicinal plant of the year . Ginger has also long had a special meaning at Lotao. One of the first creations in the Lotao Coconut series was "Ginger Kiss" : the ginger-lime sugar combined the fine caramel note of Indonesian palm blossom sugar with the warming spiciness of tropical lemon ginger .
But dishes and drinks can also be sweetened with Lotao Java Kiss coconut blossom sugar , which is harvested and produced under controlled organic conditions . Java Kiss is particularly suitable for cocktails or spicy dishes, as well as for salad dressings - topped with fresh ginger: a pleasure! In the cold season, a hot lemon-ginger lemonade with Java Kiss should always be ready - because the sweet, slightly spicy drink is not only warming and healthy, but also particularly delicious.
PS: The NHV Theophrastus association is committed to spreading naturopathic ideas among young and old and has now named the ginger tuber as the medicinal plant of the year.