Süßer Nougat aus Indien

Sweet nougat from India

Laddu , the traditional favorite dish of the Indian god Ganesha , is largely unknown in this country. The Ayurvedic specialty is a popular pilgrim food and is of course also suitable for hikes and picnics as a delicious alternative to cookies or muesli bars . Laddu, also known as Indian nougat, is relatively easy to make!


  • 200 g chickpea flour
  • 150 ml coconut oil
  • 50 ml sesame oil
  • 150g Lotao Jaggery Kiss Sugar
  • 75 g chopped almonds
  • 75g figs
  • 25g sesame seeds
  • 25 g desiccated coconut
  • 1 teaspoon lemon peel, ground
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of ginger powder


  1. Roast the sesame oil, coconut oil and chickpea flour in a pot until the mixture begins to smell nutty. Add the almonds and sesame seeds and roast.
  2. Cut the figs into small pieces and add them together with the spices.
  3. At the end, mix in the Jaggery Kiss and stir until the sugar has melted. Spread the dough onto a baking tray (cover with baking paper if necessary), press firmly and sprinkle with coconut flakes. Allow to dry and cut into pieces (e.g. in the form of small muesli bars).

If you like this basic recipe, you should definitely try out variations of it: Alternatively, you can also prepare laddu with other dried fruits (such as dried mangoes, pineapples or dates). You can also vary the spices as you wish, and for example try a mixture with cardamom or saffron.

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